Under Georgia laws, heavy penalties are imposed in firearm offenses. If you are accused of committing a weapons offense, you must act quickly to retain an Atlanta criminal attorney with a record of success in criminal court. At Wallack Law, we are dedicated to protecting the constitutional rights of our clients and have achieved some notable case results with our innovative defense strategies.
Wallack Law offers you experience and an exceptional level of knowledge in the field of criminal defense, with 25 years in criminal law. Attorney Sandy Wallack has a personal passion for criminal defense and is dedicated to providing personalized attention and assistance. He is known for developing innovative, out-of-the-box defense strategies that produce positive results.
Firearm charges may be filed in state or federal court. Under Georgia State Laws, the charges that may be filed against you include:
The first step in defending against a firearms charge is a full evaluation of the facts in your case. It is not uncommon that an investigation will reveal errors by law enforcement, rights violations, or other facet of the case that can lead to a dismissal, reduction of charges, or other opportunity. Above all, exercise your right to remain silent and your right to an attorney. Whether you have already been charged or are under investigation, protecting your rights is the primary concern, and at Wallack Law, we insist that our clients’ rights are protected at every step of the case.
If you have been charged with a firearm offense, we urge you to contact us immediately. When your future freedom is at risk, you cannot take any chances with the criminal attorney you retain. Evening and weekend appointments are available, and we offer a free initial consultation. Call now.