April 25, 2024 • Posted In Fraud
The market for authentic, high-quality fashion goods like luxury handbags and jewelry continues to be strong. However, there is an increasing level of demand for knockoff versions of these products. Today’s younger consumer, in particular, is not only willing to purchase and wear off-brand items that look like the real thing, but they are sharing…
read moreApril 21, 2024 • Posted In Criminal Defense,Fraud
The use of a person’s identity, including their name, address, and Social Security number, that is not yours is illegal. However, various types of claims can be brought based on how these actions occur. Identity theft occurs when a person takes another person’s identity to use as their own. Identity fraud is a type of…
read moreMarch 25, 2024 • Posted In Criminal Defense,Fraud
Tax evasion and money laundering both involve fraudulent activity involving money and based on deceptive practices. The offenses often occur separately, producing their own charges. While one of the offenses can occur without committing the other, these actions frequently go hand in hand. Facing tax evasion and money laundering can result in life-altering consequences. A…
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