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Atlanta Criminal Defense Blog

Credit Card Fraud and RFID Skimming

February 20, 2024 Posted In Fraud

Credit card fraud and RFID skimming are two types of illegal transactions in which a non-authorized user accesses another person’s credit card account and uses it in some way. Understanding these two types of acts is essential for anyone charged with a crime since the consequences in either case can be severe. The Atlanta credit…

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Illegal vs. Legal Insider Trading

January 6, 2024 Posted In Criminal Defense,Gambling,Trading,Your Rights

Over the years, the term insider trading has garnered a negative connotation as media coverage and the decisions of well-known individuals have landed them in the spotlight for these actions. However, insider trading is not always an illegal offense, and individuals who buy and sell stock based on government guidelines are doing so within the…

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At What Point Does Public Corruption Affect an Election? 

December 2, 2023 Posted In Uncategorized

The United States successfully runs on a democracy. Therefore, the voting process is crucial for allowing citizens to hold government officials accountable, to ensure conflicts are channeled into agreeable resolutions, and to ensure that transfers of power occur peacefully. When voters feel that public corruption has inhibited democratic accountability, an election can be affected. If…

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