August 13, 2015 • Posted In Your Rights
Like travelers across the country, Sandy Wallack has been keeping a keen eye on the progress of a class-action lawsuit against Delta and Air Tran. Now a judge has ruled that the suit can proceed to trial, clearing the way for lawyers to argue their case in court and potentially get some money back for those who have used the airlines in recent years.
The suit claims that the two airlines used anti-competitive practices when they created their secret agreement to make flyers pay a fee for all checked baggage. Prior to that move in December of 2008, travelers could check the first bag at no cost, paying only for subsequent bags or luggage that was above the airlines’ size or weight guidelines.
The case is a complex one with multiple aspects that may affect the final resolution. Sandy Wallack commented on the pending litigation for a Channel 46 CBS News segment, advising hopeful travelers not to get too excited just yet. Whatever the outcome, it’s going to be a long trek from last week’s legal hurdle to the point of seeing any reimbursement checks go out, should the suit be successful. Still, it’s a possibility that is nice to think about, for the many who travel on Delta or used to travel on AirTran! Regardless of the outcome for individual travelers, hopefully, the suit reminds airlines and businesses, in general, to treat its customers fairly.