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Atlanta Public Schools Cheating Trial Continues

February 26, 2015 Posted In Atlanta Public Schools Cheating Trial

Yes, it’s still going on, but the end just might be in sight. Here are the latest headlines and stories…

AJC: Defense rests in APS cheating trial (previous article)

AJC: APS cheating trial’s end in sight (previous article)

AJC: APS Cheating Trial: February 24, 2015 (previous article)

AJC: APS Cheating Trial: Defense attorney group photo (photo no longer available online)

AJC: APS Cheating Trial: February 23, 2015 (previous article)

AJC: Judge considers requests to dismiss some charges in APS cheating trial

AJC: 3 APS defendants rest their case: 5 won’t testify

AJC: Atlanta Public Schools Cheating Trial: Week 18 (previous article)

AJC: APS Cheating Trial: Feb 10, 2015 (previous article)

AJC: Trial witness: APS took pains to hide evidence of cheating (previous article)