April 1, 2015 • Posted In Atlanta Public Schools Cheating Trial
Dessa Curb, Sandy Wallack and Curb’s sister, Aleesa Williams, leave the courthouse after being acquitted in the APS cheating trial.
After many long months of work and deliberations, I am pleased to report that my client, Dessa Curb, a teacher at Dobbs Elementary, was found not guilty on all charges when the final verdict was read. She is the only one of the 12 on trial that was found not guilty and the remaining defendants were taken into custody immediately after the verdicts were read. See below for some of the early press coverage of the verdict.
WSB TV: Video of reading of verdicts (video/article)
News & Talk 1380: Radio interview with Sandy Wallack about APS trial (previous audio recording)
11 Alive: APS Verdict: The defendants and the charges (previous photos/article)
WSB TV: Guilty verdicts reached for 11 of 12 in APS cheating trial (article)
AJC: Gov. Deal, Mayor Reed, and others react to APS verdict (previous article)
AJC: Acquitted defendant in Atlanta cheating trial: ‘I knew I was innocent’ (previous article)
11 Alive: APS Trial: 11 of 12 convicted of racketeering (previous video/article)
Fox Atlanta: 11 of 12 APS defendants found guilty of conspiracy, other counts (previous article)
Chicago Tribune: Atlanta Public Schools cheating trial verdict (previous article/video)
KSN.com: 11 Atlanta educators convicted in test cheating scandal (article)
CBS News Atlanta: Too Much Truth Exclusive: APS Educator Found Guilty Of Cheating Scandal (previous article/audio)