February 26, 2015 • Posted In Atlanta Public Schools Cheating Trial
Yes, it’s still going on, but the end just might be in sight. Here are the latest headlines and stories… AJC: Defense rests in APS cheating trial (previous article) AJC: APS cheating trial’s end in sight (previous article) AJC: APS Cheating Trial: February 24, 2015 (previous article) AJC: APS Cheating Trial: Defense attorney group photo (photo no longer…
read moreJanuary 18, 2015 • Posted In Atlanta Public Schools Cheating Trial
The media coverage of the trial has slowed to a trickle, but here are a few of the latest stories and photos from the trial. AJC: Witness in APS trial: “I was a dead woman walking” (previous article) AJC: Photos from January 14. 2015 AJC: Photos from January 13, 2015 AJC: Photos from January 8,…
read moreDecember 24, 2014 • Posted In Uncategorized
Believe it or not, the trial continues. Here are the latest headlines and articles to keep you abreast of what is happening now. AJC: Atlanta schools trial takes a break AJC: Witness: APS staff accused of cheating told kids “You all just dumb” AJC: Former Atlanta teacher: No one said cheating was wrong AJC: APS…
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